Configuring a pre and post-message Watson Assistant webhook

Please refer to these detailed instructions to setup a Watson Assistant webhook.

Go to Step 4: Adding the AI Chatbot Customer Service Skill to your Watson Assistant Instance (Pro plugin users only)
Step 3: 
In order capture chat logs you must setup a pre and post-message Watson Assistant webhook. This process is outlined in great detail here, however we have provided abbreviated  instructions below. Complete the following steps to setup a webhook for your Watson Assistant Instance:
  1. Go to the IBM Cloud Resource list.
  2. Sign into you IBM Cloud Account. (figure 1)
  3. Type “Watson” in the product column. (figure 2)
  4. Click on the “AI / Machine Learning” dropdown.
  5. Click on “Watson Assistant-mi” or the name of your Watson Assistant instance.
  6. Click on the “Launch Watson Assistant” button. (figure 3)
  7. Locate your Watson Assistant instance and click on the 3 dots to the right of the box and choose, “Settings”. (figure 4)
  8. Click on the “Webhooks” tab. (figure 5)
  9. Click on “Pre-message webhook”. (figure 5)
  10. Copy the webhook url provided on the AI Chatbot > Settings page. (figure 6)
  11. Paste it into the URL field. (figure 5)
  12. Enter any value you like in the secret field, this is required by Watson but not used for implementation of the plugin. (figure 5)
  13. Choose “Continue processing user input without webhook update if there is an error”. (figure 5)
  14. Click “Enabled”. (figure 5)
  15. Click on “Post-message webhook”. (figure 5)
  16. Repeat steps 10-14 above. (figure 5)
  17. Go to AI Chatbot > Settings on your WordPress Dashboard and ensure that the “Display chat bot on public website” option is enabled. (figure 7)
  18. Go to your website and send some messages using the Chatbot to verify that logs are being maintained.

Figure 1: IBM Website

IBM Login

Figure 2: Resource List

Resource List

Figure 3: Launch Watson Assistant

Launch Watson Assistant

Figure 4: Accessing Watson Assistant Settings

Figure 5: Entering Watson Assistant Webhook Settings

webhook settings

Figure 6: Watson Assistant Webhook URL

webhook url

Figure 7: Enable Display Option

adding embed code settings
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