Change Log

  1. Tweaked the design of the live chat interface.
  2. Added support for basic live chat.
  1. Improved implementation for OpenAI
  2. Misc bug corrections
  1. Added support for ChatGPT
  1. Removed persistent admin notices.
  1. corrected esc function on scriptname
  2. improved website search feature
  3. added default dialog to the skill to process a search when Watson does not understand the question
  1. corrected file attachments not working
  2. corrected offline message not being sent to the correct email address
  1. corrected output not properly escaped
  2. corrected php coding standards
  1. Corrected unescaped output variables
  1. Corrected fatal error on log purge when no uploads directory exists
  2. Corrected bug in offline chat requests feature
  3. Corrected disable chat bot feature
Accessibility Tools